Modbus settings
If the ventilation unit is connected e.g. to the house automation system through the Modbus channel, the Modbus settings must be configured. Modbus settings consist of the following:
- Modbus address of the ventilation unit
- Baud rate of the Modbus channel
- Parity of the Modbus channel
- Stop bit of the Modbus channel.
To make the Modbus settings:
Select Settings.
Use the Arrow buttons to select Expert settings.
Select OK.
Use the Arrow buttons to select I/O and bus settings.
Use the Arrow buttons to select Modbus settings:
Select OK.
The Modbus display 1/4 opens.
- Use the Plus and Minus buttons to set the ventilation unit Modbus address. The address can be set between 1– 247.
Select Right arrow.
The Modbus display 2/4 opens.
- Use the Plus and Minus buttons to set the Baud rate of the Modbus. The options are 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200.
- Select Right arrow.
The Modbus display 3/4 opens.
Use the Arrow up and Arrow down buttons to set the Parity of the Modbus. The options are:
no — No parity
even — Even parity
odd — Odd parity.
Select Right arrow.
The Modbus display 4/4 opens.
- Use the Plus and Minus buttons to set the Stop bit of the Modbus. The options are 1 and 2.
Select OK.