Modbus settings
If the ventilation unit is connected e.g. to the house automation system through the Modbus channel, the Modbus settings must be configured. Modbus settings consist of the following:
- Modbus address of the ventilation unit
- Baud rate of the Modbus channel
- Parity of the Modbus channel
- Stop bit of the Modbus channel.
To make the Modbus settings:
- Select Expert settings.
Modbus settings are described in the Modbus settings area.
Select Edit in the right top corner of the area:The Modbus settings display will open in the editing mode:
- Enter the Modbus address of the ventilation unit in the Address field. Alternatively, the address can be set by using the blue slider. The address can be set between 1– 247.
- Select the speed of the Modbus channel from the Baud rate drop down menu. The options are 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200.
Select the parity of the Modbus channel from the drop down menu. The options are:
- no — No parity
- even — Even parity
- odd — Odd parity
- Set the stop bit of the Modbus channel in the Stop bit field. The options are 1 and 2.
Select OK.